Series - Bouquets in Art
Paul Gauguin, “Still Life with a Mandolin”, 1885
Vincent van Gogh, “Roses”, 1890.
Pablo Picasso, “Flowers”, 1901.
Rather banal in composition it is necessary to deviate from the main subject and look at how the substance was treated. This is where we can suspect the potential of this young artist who was only 20 years old at the time. With this background which goes from black to blue we see that he dares to get rid of his technical mastery. This is the first work by Pablo Picasso to be purchased by the Tate Gallery this was in 1933. It reveals a lot about the tastes of the Tate Gallery trustees. In 1933 Picasso was already an established avant-garde artist but the decision to purchase this conservative work shows that the administrators were resistant to more radical developments in modern art.
Pablo Picasso, "Mother and child in front of a vase of flowers", 1901.In 1901 Pablo Picasso paints many fairly “classic” vases of flowers like my previous post. This is where genius is revealed in "Mother and child in front of a vase of flowers" also from 1901 genius takes its place it marks his difference and his freedom. In Paris he definitively abandons his classicism. We feel that he is influenced by van Gogh and especially Toulouse-Lautrec But there it is his personality is there and there. What a beauty what a masterpiece!
Henri Matisse, “Chrysanthemums in a Chinese vase”, 1902.
Edouard Vuillard, “Flowers”, 1904.
Édouard Vuillard, “The bouquet of anemones”, 1910.
Odilon Redon, “Bouquet in a Chinese vase”, 1912.
Félix Vallotton, “Chrysanthemums and autumn foliage”, 1922.
Joan Mirò, “Flowers and Butterflies”, 1922.
Georges Braque, “Still life”, 1945.

Georges Braque 1926.
Marc Chagall, "Lovers - white couple with bouquet", 1949.
Marc Chagall, “Bouquet”, 1963.
Marc Chagall, “The Bouquet with a Red Background”, 1965.
Marc Chagall, “Bouquet of mimosas”.
What's more beautiful than mimosas from the Côte d'Azur like in this painting by Marc Chagall "Bouquet of mimosas". Moving dedication written in Russian on the back of the canvas: "For my daughter Ida 1977 Papa Chagall.
David Hockney, "Lillies", 1971.
Bernard Buffet, “Bouquet of daffodils”, 1986.
Jean-Philippe Delhomme.
Emily Filler, “Vase”, 2019.
Emily Filler works in Toronto in Canada. She constructs her works mostly floral arrangements with tissue fragments photographs and adding paint, she revisits collage with a happiness and a joie de vivre that pleases me completely.

Henri Matisse Vase of Iris 1912