The Californian dream of Thierry Lefort 

The painter Thierry Lefort presents his works at the Château de Malleret, near Bordeaux, from May 17 to June 2. An exhibition not to be missed.

Thierry Lefort

Can figurative art be modern? Asking the question is already answering yes. “ I am attached to painting, underlines Yoyo Maeght, curator of the Thierry Lefort exhibition. The other supports do not interest me, quite simply because Velasquez, Delacroix like Picasso painted on canvas with oil. » Opposing abstraction to figuration, for our interlocutor, therefore makes no sense, insofar as the painters who practice the former do not forget to have a subject, while the latter, whatever the object, the character they represent, are attentive to form. “When I discovered Thierry Lefort, I felt the same shock, analyzes Yoyo Maeght. He does not use palm trees, shadows and electrical wires from California because he likes the American west coast and banal settings, but because its contrasting landscapes allow him to construct new forms. » A universe in motion.

Exposure by Thierry Lefort , from May 17 to June 2 at the Château de Malleret, Le Pian-Médoc.

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