.Braque - The "Theogony

One of the most beautiful artists' books...

The "Theogony" of Hesiod illustrated by Georges Braque.
The fabulous publisher Ambroise Vollard and Georges Braque began the realization of this large book, 53 x 44 cm, in 1932, with the death of Vollard, the printing stops.
Ambroise Vollard revealed artists such as Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse or Pablo Picasso, he was admired by Aimé Maeght, so, in 1953, my grandfather took over the edition of the "Theogony", considered since then as the most beautiful book illustrated by Georges Braque.
The book consists of 20 original etchings by Georges Braque, including 16 hors-texte engravings dating from 1932 and 4 engravings made in 1953, it will be necessary to wait until 1955 to see the completion of the printing of the 150 copies. Each cover has been varnished by Braque himself, giving it this beautiful ochre color.