Series - Self-portraits III

One of the most famous self-portraits of classicism: Nicolas Poussin, painted in 1650.
Poussin painted two self-portraits in the same year, one for Jean Pointel, known as the "Berlin Self-portrait", because it is kept at the city's Pinacoteca, the other here – which will fix Poussin's image for posterity – for Paul Fréart de Chantelou, his great friend.
On another canvas, the head of a woman is painted, in profile, with one eye at the top of her diadem, it symbolizes the Painting, Two hands go towards them to hug her, it is the love of the said paint.

Sublime self-portrait of Lucian Freud painted in 1985.

Self-portrait of Jeanne Hébuterne
If Jeanne Hébuterne is known to have been painted many times by Modigliani, little is known about her works, only a few paintings.
In 1917, when she was only 19 years old, she moved to Paris with Modigliani who was 33. In November 1918, she gave birth to a little girl. Modigliani suffered from tuberculosis and saw his health deteriorate. Jeanne said she wouldn't survive him. Modigliani died on January 24, 1920. Jeanne, who was only 23 years old, and eight months pregnant, throws herself from the fifth floor of her parents' building who refused to allow her to go and pray with her great love.
Modigliani is buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery surrounded by many friends. While Jeanne is buried in the Bagneux cemetery. A few years later, she would be buried alongside him.

Pierre Chardin, “Self-portrait with glasses”, pastel, 1771.

Piet Mondrian, Self-portrait (1918, aged 46)
We can guess or extrapolate future works on the wall, on the background.
We can guess or extrapolate future works on the wall, on the background.

A 1915 self-portrait by Marc Chagall